Week 9

Week 9

This is not the current offering of the course. You may want the next offering at https://ucsd-cse15l-w23.github.io/, or scroll down for the fall 2022 material.

Lecture Materials

Notes from class

Monday Notes

Note: Links will require you to log in as a UCSD student

Lab Tasks

This week’s lab task is optional. If you skip it, there’s no penalty to your grade; it is an opportunity to make up previous missed participation credit. We reduced the total number of required lab participation by 1 to accommodate this.

The purpose of this lab is twofold:

  1. Get you acquainted with making video screencast recordings in preparation for Skill Demonstration 2.
  2. Give you an opportunity to demonstrate understanding of a past lab assignment.

Choose a past lab assignment for which you didn’t get participation credit. Record a short (less than 5-minute) video of you demonstrating the main outcomes of that lab. If you have participation credit for all past labs, you may still benefit from the practice – choose any one of them to make the video for.

There’s a tutorial for generating screencasts like this at the bottom of this page:


As long as your video demonstrates understanding of the main tasks of that lab, you can earn back the missed participation credit for a past lab. Don’t worry about making the video polished and perfect; the goal is to demonstrate understanding of that material and make sure you know how to create a video like this.

This participation activity is due before class on Wednesday, December 1 (noon). You can submit the video via the Gradescope assignment “Lab 9 Participation”.